Wednesday, September 9, 2009

5 Most Romatic Places to Propose

I was thinking about this, after reading a Tremendous News post this morning. I started thinking about my own marriage proposal and how it could have been.

I was honestly not all that romantic about it. I didn't swing for a fancy dinner, didn't buy expensive flowers, or any of that. In fact, I proposed at home while we were watching TV. I just kind of blurted it out. "Hey, we should get married." A couple of months later, we were in Vegas.

It worked out, I guess, but it wasn't all that romantic. Here's how it could have been, in my mind. It's all about real estate: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. So here's my list of the 5 most romantic places to propose marriage.

1. Denny's
How can you go wrong with Denny's? It's the all-American restaurant, always has the happiest and most service-oriented wait staff, and has a general atmosphere that just screams "ROMANCE." Even in the smoking section.

2. Facebook
How more romantic can you be about expressing your love and wanting to be with someone for time and all eternity (or next week, whichever is greater) than by broadcasting your intentions over your Facebook wall? And theirs, of course. Otherwise it's just kind of silly.

3. The Swap Meet
Back east, you Yanks will call these "flea markets." I guess you don't have Indians and horses and stuff there. Anyway, the swap meet is probably the most charming, expressive, memorable, and romantic outdoor location I can think of for an excellent marriage proposal opportunity. They're always clean, full of the nicest and most well-groomed people, and the bargains... Hoi!

4. The Zoo
Think about it. It's obvious. Most people love animals and the zoo is full of animals. What more romantic location that just screams "FAMILY ATMOSPHERE" could you pick than the zoo? I mean, it's full of animals in prison who're just ecstatic to be there and stuff. Plus the jungle sounds are sexy. Note: avoid the monkey cages when proposing. Nothing ends a marriage's future faster than chimp poop.

5. The Star Trek/Anime/RPG Convention
Bonus points if it's all of those rolled into one event. Nothing says "I'm a sexy bitch" more than one of these conventions. As a bonus, chances are you're the hottest couple in attendance too. To do it right, though, you've got to be in costume AND seize a microphone during a presentation to make the proposal in public and preferably in song (themed to the convention, of course). Note: this is not a direct jab at Nick and Rebecca.

--Read more coherent stuff from Aaron by visiting his main blog at Aaron's EnvironMental Corner - where the environment is looked at mentally. Or something like that. Or just Twitter: Tweet Me

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